ISEP has compiled the Transcript Evaluation Guide to assist faculty and administrators in the credit approval and transfer process. The guide may also help coordinators evaluate the transcripts of incoming international students on ISEP exchanges.

Please note that while ISEP has compiled this information by country, policies at institutions within each country may vary slightly. We have tried to indicate these distinctions between institutions when possible.

While this guide may serve as a helpful resource, it is ultimately up to each institution to decide how to transfer credits earned by students abroad.

Assigning Grades

Please keep in mind that students studying at a university in a foreign country are coping with different methods of instruction, different types of assignments, and different standards of assessment. If they are taking regular academic classes taught in a foreign language, the challenge is even greater. Because of differences in grade expectations, credits and course numbering (when available), transcript evaluators should aim to be flexible whenever possible. Many ISEP institutions may have a different approach to grading than a student’s home university. For example, Spanish and French institutions are known for their strict grading standards. A student who consistently receives A’s at home may return from a French institution with marks of 16 and above, which are considered very high and not readily awarded by French professors. Finally, depending on the institution issuing the transcript, the transcripts themselves may include additional guidance in terms of grading explanations.

Download the Transcript Evaluation Guide