
In Memoria: Dr. Mark Johnson

November 6, 2020

With great sadness, we share the news that retired ISEP Board Member Mark Johnson passed away on October 12, 2020 in New York following a lengthy battle against cancer.

A pacifist and ardent believer in nonviolent means to reconciliation, Mark viewed study abroad as a key to international peace, a motivating factor when he accepted the invitation to join the ISEP Board of Directors in 2007. He served for six years before retiring in 2013.

Everyone who knew Mark learned from his thoughtful and ethically grounded observations. Board colleagues fondly recalled his distinctive perspectives whenever they became immersed in discussion with bureaucratic complexities or policy matters. An insightful suggestion or an experience from Mark’s life would remind his colleagues about ISEP’s mission, and thus improved the tenor of the deliberations.

“He was a lovely man who genuinely cared about others and what we were doing to contribute to the greater good,” wrote Mary Anne Grant, ISEP’s former President and CEO, when she learned of Mark’s passing. “We appreciated his gentle spirit and persistent efforts to create a better world.”

A detailed profile of Mark Johnson’s life and legacy is available at A memorial service is planned for July 2021.

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