ISEP Exchange allows you to swap spots with a student from another ISEP Exchange institution as an international student. By studying abroad on ISEP Exchange, you pay your tuition and fees to your home institution and open up a spot for someone to come learn at your university. Choose up to 10 universities and we’ll place you at the best option depending on exchange space and your academic needs.
If you choose to apply for a spot at an ISEP Exchange site with limited chances of placement during Semester 1 or for any Full Year Program (beginning in July, August, September or October) you must apply before March 1 to be eligible. The same thing applies for students wishing to apply to Semester 2 or Calendar Year Programs (beginning in January, February or March), you must apply by September 15.
Just make sure you apply before our priority deadlines to get placed at one of your top study abroad destinations.
Our ISEP Direct programs guarantee that you get to study at the university of your choice while offering you the ability to customize your study abroad experience to meet your needs. Unlike ISEP Exchange, ISEP Direct offers later deadlines and guarantees you placement at your top university for a program fee (as long as you meet the minimum academic requirements).