During my three month waiting period, I have tried to find ways to keep myself occupied. I thought committing myself to endless hours of work would do the trick, I have been left with approximately 20 hours a week. Needless to say, I have had more free time than planned. If you are finding yourself in a similar situation, here is a list to reference while you wait for your adventure to begin:
1. Read up on your host country
Try to learn as much as you can before you go. This includes cultural differences, best modes of transportation, whether to carry cash or cards, and more. The people will appreciate it more than you know.
2. Read up on the language
Don’t forget to include slang and possible differences from the language you were taught for the past four or five years.
3. Explore your home town
You might be surprised by what you could find in that run-down coffeehouse you always drive pass.
4. Finally do that one thing you have been meaning to do for months
Maybe something you wanted to do but ‘haven’t had time to do,’ like clean your room.
5. Interior decorating
All my free time has brought out my creative side. Give your room a makeover or take a room in the house and add something to it. You could even go online and create a dream home. It’s definitely a fun way to kill time if you enjoy architecture, real estate and decorating.
6. Plan trips for when you are abroad
While you’re at it, make a list of what you want to do and where you want to go! Not only will it be fun, but it could help with the nerves you’re more than likely feeling.
7. Volunteer!
Find programs around you or even start helping out businesses you support. Make this a time to try to be productive.
8. Learn how to cook
Since I live with international students, learning how to cook has been an ongoing process. I have learned how to make crepes, the best pasta sauce ever and real Arabian tea. I even learned how to bake and decorate a cake! Not well but I’m still proud, hence the photo below.
9. Netflix. Obviously.
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