
Three Reasons to Fall in Love With Turku, Finland

April 17, 2017

Falling in love is scary. You don’t know if it’s the right person. You don’t know if it’s the right timing. You don’t know if you’re investing too much or not enough. But it’s easy to fall in love with Turku.

1. Red skies and Aurora Borealis

I am in awe at the sunset in Turku, every day. From the window of my flat, I pause my “Friends” episode and am speechless in front of this vast reddish sky. If you are an admirer of breathtaking skies, Lapland is the place for you. You can gaze at the Northern Lights dancing right above you, especially between September and March.

2. Music sounds better in Finland

I often wander deserted Turku on my bike with my earphones in until no songs are left in my playlist. If you are a big fan of heavy metal, you could not be in a better place. Finland has the most metal bands per capita in the world. If you’re not into heavy metal, any music sounds better in Finland. I have learned to love the ghost songs of my favorite artists and download music that falls into the oblivion section.

3. Thrilling detours within reach

After all of that wandering, I feel lucky to get to sleep, wake up and start wandering again the next day — until a snow storm brings you to a halt. If at some point, the thrills run out and you feel the urge to rekindle the flame, pack your bags for a night cruise to Stockholm. It costs around 45 euros and takes 11 hours, but it is totally worth the detour. You can party all night or do all the duty-free shopping you need while crossing the Baltic Sea.

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