
ISEP hosts the Forum's Workshop on Mental Health Issues Abroad

Posted August 2, 2017

Please join us at the ISEP Global Office on Tuesday, September 19 for a workshop on the role mental health issues play within study abroad. The goal of this workshop is to assist participants in developing experience in handling mental health issues that may arise with students on an education abroad experience.

This workshop will review trends in college mental health with specific focus on high risk behaviors, identify certain mental health reactions to stress that can be problematic, discuss and explore philosophical, legal, and practical concerns. Facilitators will discuss models for pre-departure screening, lay out appropriate roles to play when concerned about a student’s mental health distress, and provide strategies for managing mental health concerns when they occur.

The early bird registration deadline is August 11, 2017. The last day to register for the workshop is September 8, 2017.

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