Just one month into my semester in Hannover, Germany, and I couldn’t be happier! My university, Leibniz Universität has a castle as its main building and just walking through it boosts my mood because it’s so pretty. The weather is also nice, Frühling (Spring) has arrived and while the sun doesn’t shine every single day, I really enjoy the custom of having barbecues at the park and eating BBQ often!
My courses are very demanding: I have lot of reading to do and sometimes my seminars can be very exhausting. I really enjoy the diversity of people in my classes because you can learn a lot from points of views that you haven’t considered before. This is such a great experience as a Political Science student from Ecuador, because at my home institution we mostly analyze things from a Latin American perspective. Here in Germany, now I can analyze things from a European and even African, Asian or Middle Eastern perspective.
Outside of the classroom, the University offers a lot of sports programs so I’ve decided to join kickboxing with my Mexican friends and Taekwondo with my Vietnamese roommate. I’ve met a lot more Germans too, so I’m understanding them more and more every day. They are the nicest people and have always been willing to help me.
On a more personal level, I really feel that I’m becoming more mature by budgeting, living away from home, cooking for myself and overall increasing my responsibilities and it’s a very gratifying experience. I’m enjoying the little things too, like here the hot chocolate is so good! No matter what coffee shop I go to, I order some delicious “heiße schokolade” to pair with a croissant or banana bread. Not to mention delicious, cheap German beer, which I will miss when I return to Ecuador!
I still feel like I just arrived yesterday, and I wish time would slow down! That being said, I truly believe that I’m making the most out of my experience and I’m enjoying the ride.
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