The coronavirus pandemic is affecting people worldwide, and it has been a challenging and stressful few weeks. The ISEP Global Office is working remotely around the clock to continue to support our students and members. Still, as global citizens and advocates for cultural exchange, practicing social distancing is challenging.
Practicing self-care is something each of us can do to help us manage stress and help navigate the future. Our ISEP team came together to share with you some of the things we are doing to stay positive during this time.
In these uncertain times, it is normal to feel like things are out of our control. Here’s what our team is doing in isolation and suggests for self-care and keeping positive:
Get some fresh air and sunshine in your yard or neighborhood
Go for a walk, hike, or bike ride or stay fit with free online workouts or dance routines
Write and send handwritten letters to family and friends
Set up calls with old friends to reconnect
Brighten up your space and keep fresh spring flowers
Get new plants and care for them
Attempt new baking or cooking recipes, or just treat yo self with some ice cream
Experiment ways to brew your own coffee / make cold brew
Enjoy a pot (or many) of tea and try different types
Support your favorite local restaurant and order take-out
Read up on people who inspire you
Journal on past experiences
Spend quality time with your pet, or adopt one
Learn new skills, for example embroidery, playing an instrument, or a language
Watch a new series or some good ole Jeopardy
Create new playlists and listen to some upbeat music
Immerse yourself in a new videogame
Investigate and plan a future trip or getaway that you can look forward to
What are you all doing to stay connected and positive?
Share your self-care ideas with us and we’ll keep the chain of positivity going with a video of contributions from across the ISEP global community!
Click for instructions on how to submit your self-care video clips
We’re using a free online video platform called Cinebody to collect your clips.
Follow this link to join our project: or follow the instructions below:
1. Download the Cinebody app to your smartphone OR visit
2. On the Cinebody app or website, click “Log In” from the menu, then “Sign Up” to create an account:
3. Either on the Cinebody app or, find the option to “Enter code” / “Join with a code.”
4. Enter the code: “tips2” to access the “ISEP Community Tips” project.
5. Select the “Selfie/Free Shoot” shot from the shot list and film/upload your clip!
If you run into any issues submitting your clips, please email Wade Angeli.
Here is a video walkthrough of the Cinebody mobile app.
Staying Connected as a Team
Our ISEP Global Office team is a small, close-knit team of 41 hardworking individuals. We miss connecting with our coworkers at lunch, over a cup of coffee in our break room, during happy hours and at office celebrations. While our team is physically apart, we are prioritizing staying connected through daily messages and virtual gatherings.
Here’s what we’ve been doing together as a team:
- Reading our “Something Good” newsletter at the end of each day. We all have been overwhelmed with news stories that make the world seem like a scary place. At the end of every workday, we send out a Something Good email filled with uplifting news stories, shout-outs to our staff, funny memes, and streaming or podcast recommendations.
Exercising as a group. Twice a week our team unites for staff-led group stretching, yoga or meditation. Even a short 10-15 minute session gets our day started feeling more refreshed, flexible and ready to deal with our work ahead.
Friday Virtual Happy Hours. Every Friday we reconnect and play games together like musical trivia on Microsoft Teams and Pictionary on Zoom meetings to loaded questions and pet show-and-tell.
Participating in weekly Lunch & Learns on everything from reality TV to pet care. We are learning about our coworkers’ many talents and interests.
Engaging in photo challenges. For example, posting our “Google glamour shots” or sharing photos from our own study abroad experiences.
Listening to the ISEP Happy Song playlist. We’ve compiled a list of our team’s go-to happy songs, that song that no matter the circumstances lifts your spirit. Our team has diverse music tastes and it has been a great way to discover new songs and artists.
As a global community facing this unprecedented crisis, we must turn to each other for support. Remember the ISEP global community is here for you.
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