Remote work skills are critical in today’s workforce. Our full-time or part-time virtual internship programs provide international experience on a remote basis, wherever you are located. There are start dates available throughout the year, with flexible hours and internship durations.
Spanning all career fields, from business and law to social work and science, we connect you to a network of more than 3,000 leading companies around the world. Students from ISEP Member Universities will receive $200 off the program fee and the only way to receive the discount is by applying through ISEP.
What’s Included?
In addition to a virtual internship in your chosen career field, you will receive exclusive benefits providing the tools you need for success and helping you prepare for your career.
- Professional DISC assessment
- Competency trainings in 8 areas defined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers
- Session with a career coach
- Keynote Speaker Series of live Q&As with leaders in various career fields
Program Dates & Fees
Our virtual internship programs start every 2 weeks year-round, on a rolling admission schedule. Therefore, there is not a single application deadline for programs offered in a specific term. However, students should note that applications are due 6 weeks before your intended start date for virtual programs. Internships are available for 4-24 weeks for 10, 20, 30 or 40 hours a week.
Students applying through ISEP will receive the following reduced program fees:
Start date in June or July: $2290
Start date in any other month: $1395
Academic Credit
You may earn academic credit for your internship in one of two ways:
1. Through your home institution. Work with your academic advisor at your home institution to understand requirements to earn internship credit. We have flexible internship options to help you accommodate your university’s requirements.
2. If your school or major will not grant credit directly, ask if you can transfer credit from another university. The Intern Group provides a transcript option through their partner Florida A&M University for a small additional fee. Ask your advisor for a list of requirements and eligibility.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning more before beginning the application process with The Intern Group, please contact Quiamony Gaskins (, one of ISEP’s Student Services Officers.
How to Apply
Applications are due at least one month before your desired program start date.
- Submit an online application (no application fee)
- Select as your Preferred Destination: A virtual internship
- Schedule an interview by phone or Zoom with The Intern Group admissions team.