Our Team

Emma Swift

Associate Director, Office of International Education University of Vermont

I am the Associate Director of the Office of International Education at the University of Vermont in the United States. In this role, I lead the international student and scholar services team and provides leadership in an office which includes study abroad and faculty led travel/study courses. Part of this work includes overseeing the processes and advising of UVM’s incoming exchange students. Outside of UVM, I have presented and published within and outside of international education and has held regional and national roles for NAFSA (Association of International Educators). I completed my undergraduate and master’s degrees at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I also worked in the office of International Student and Scholar Services for several years. I have lived, studied, and worked abroad, including six years in Germany, a college study abroad experience in Granada, Spain, and before moving to Vermont I worked at Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn in southcentral Vietnam as a Fulbright fellow. In my free time, I enjoy biking the bike trail in Burlington, improving my Portuguese skills so that I can keep up with my bilingual toddler, and finding creative ways to spend the winter months in Vermont.