
Three Reasons to Fall in Love With Turku, Finland

Falling in love is scary. You don’t know if it’s the right person. You don’t know if it’s the right timing. You don’t know if you're investing too much or not enough.


What to Do When Your Travel Plans Are Ruined

You’ve just finished the last step in planning your trip to trek the famous W Circuit of Torres del Paine National Park. You’ve booked your flights, reserved your hostels and camping spots and bought all of the groceries you will take on your trek with your group. You have one day left before depart


ISEP Staff Stories: Learning a Language Abroad (Part 2)

A couple of weeks ago, we asked some ISEP staffers about their challenges learning languages when they studied, lived, or worked abroad.


5 Things to Expect When Studying Abroad in the United Kingdom

Leigh B. shares how to prepare for studying abroad in the United Kingdom.


6 Things to Keep in Mind When Moving to the Other Side of the World

Jet lag is a real thing and there is no easy way to overcome it The world is full of tips and tricks to help you kick it to the curb, but don’t bank on being able to skip that part of traveling, because it probably won’t work.

Teens sitting on a wall, overlooking Spain

Adventure Awaits: Pre-Departure Thoughts on Study Abroad in Spain

ISEP student Jessica J. is a part of ISEP Voices Spring 2016. She is a Spanish literature, culture and translation major from Kent State University, and is currently studying abroad at Universidad de Almería in Spain.


Adventure Awaits: Pre-departure Thoughts on Study Abroad in Spain

Now that I will be studying abroad, this is my opportunity to be completely immersed, and I am beyond excited. However, a part of me is also quite terrified.


Overcoming Fear: It's Only the Beginning

Studying abroad can be a scary thing. Many people hesitate to study abroad because they fear change or they fear being in a place where they don't know anyone. However, fear is only an emotion, and just like any other emotion, it comes and goes.


Travel Hack: Gadgets to Bring Abroad

Travel Hack: Gadgets to Bring Abroad

London, England

How My Study Abroad Blog Got Me Hired

Kelsey, an English major at Edgewood College, studied abroad with ISEP at the University of Sunderland in England in 2014. We connected through the ISEP Alumni and Friends LinkedIn group to learn more about her story and career. Kelsey is currently a social media specialist for a digital ad agency in Chicago and is looking to connect with like-minded people in the area.
