
Visit Morocco During Your Semester Studying Abroad in Spain

June 17, 2019

When students choose to study abroad in Spain, they often think of their opportunities for travel throughout European Union countries. They imagine weekend trips to Paris and a quick vacation in London. However, there’s a whole world just a few miles across the sea from southern Spain. You can easily access the African continent during your semester abroad in Spain!

While studying at Universidad de Murcia I decided to book a trip to Morocco with a local tour agency called We Love Spain. I’m so thankful that I did, because Morocco truly showed me an interesting, rich culture I had never before experienced. While it is fun to hit some classic tourist spots in Europe, don’t forget to go out of your way and visit the not-so-visited places as well.

We took a trip, firstly, from Murcia to Málaga, Spain. My roommate and I met a fellow ISEP student there and we toured the city for the day. And what a beautiful day it was!

The next day we woke up bright and early to catch the bus from Málaga to Gibraltar. In Gibraltar we actually got to walk across the border into U.K. territory. We toured the territory and then made our way to Algeciras to board our ferry to Ceuta, the Spanish territory in Africa.

Once making our way to Africa- yes I’ve stepped foot on the African continent now!- we traveled to Tétouan, Morocco. Our next days were spent admiring stunning views, riding camels, meeting locals, and learning about the incredible culture in Morocco.

Want to see my experience for yourself? Check out the vlog I made of my time in these beautiful places!

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