About the Scholarship

The ISEP Community Scholarship supports our mission of making study abroad more affordable and accessible for all students.

Who can apply?

ISEP students from any ISEP Member or Affiliate Institution with demonstrated financial need qualify to apply for the ISEP Community Scholarship. You are encouraged to apply if you are a student who is statistically underrepresented in study abroad in one of the following categories:

  • You’re the first person in your family to attend college or university
  • You identify as LGBTQ
  • You currently serve in your country’s military or you are a military veteran
  • You’re an ethnic, racial, or religious minority in your home country
  • You have a disability
  • You study science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or education
  • You are studying abroad to learn a second language

How much is awarded to scholarship recipients?

Recipients will be awarded US$500.

How to apply:

Applications for students planning to attend a program during the Fall semester SM1 (August-December) or Full-Year (August-May) must be submitted by April 1.

Applications for the Spring semester SM2 (January-June) must be submitted by October 15.

Students who plan to attend a Summer program (June-August) can apply for either deadline.

Recipients are chosen by members of the ISEP Community. ISEP Community Scholars are selected based on their responses to three short prompts.

Reflect on your personal story and how it relates to ISEP Community values:

  • Your focus on personal goals and your drive to achieve them
  • Your capacity to overcome hardships and communicate growth
  • Your ability to connect within and outside of your own community
  • Your resourcefulness and knack to succeed in unfamiliar situations
  • Your purpose for pursuing an international experience
  • Your commitment to considering other ideas and perspectives across different cultures, identities, and points of view

Use your values-centered story as a framework to tell us why you should receive an ISEP Community Scholarship by addressing the following questions and providing specific examples:

  1. What are your reasons for applying to study abroad with ISEP?
  2. How did your academic, career, or employment goals influence your decision to study in another country?

All scholarship applicants will be evaluated based on their responses to these prompts. All responses must be submitted in English.

Submit an Application:

ISEP Community Scholarship Application

Please note that once you begin your application you cannot leave the webpage until you press “Submit.” Applications cannot be saved and you will not be able to return to a submitted application.

Application deadline:

  • You must have your application to study with ISEP submitted by the priority application deadline.
  • ISEP Community Scholarship applications for students planning to attend a program during the Fall semester SM1 (August-December), Full-Year (August-May), or Summer (June-August) must be submitted by April 1.
  • Applications for students planning to attend a program in the Spring semester SM2 (January-June) or Summer (June-August) must be submitted by October 15.

Whom to contact:

Get in touch with the ISEP Scholarship Team at .

When scholarships are awarded:

  • Students who plan to attend a program with a start date between August-December will be notified by the end of April.
  • Students who plan to attend a program with a start date between January-June will be notified in mid-November.