Blog : Tag: ISEP Study Abroad
blog Overcoming Obstacles and Staying Positive During Study Abroad Even after two months here, I am still in awe of Jakarta. Despite its reputation of being dirty, crowded, polluted and noisy, I can’t help but appreciate the chaos and the people that survive and thrive in it every day. But that doesn’t mean I am unaffected by the realities of urban Indonesia.
blog Celebrating Diversity During International Education Week ISEP is celebrating International Education Week by highlighting the students and stories that make our community so unique.
blog How to Get Involved While Studying Abroad It can be very hard to make friends while studying abroad. There are a ton of people out there, but it can be difficult to find the right ones or to find people you connect with. The first few weeks are usually the loneliest.
blog 5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Study Abroad Studying abroad is an amazing experience, with new friends and sweet adventures. It also can be really overwhelming at times - and big things like culture shock, depression and homesickness hit you when you are already in a vulnerable space.
blog 6 Text Messages That Will Make You Want to Study in Alaska Alaska really is one of the places that you can't describe using words, pictures or even videos. It's one of those places that you just have to experience for yourself. I've tried to come up with many creative ways to show my family back home what it is like to live in Alaska.
blog Three Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in a Smaller City When I was selecting where I would be studying abroad, I knew Spain was the country for me. The location, weather, language and culture has always intrigued me. However, the universities I could apply to weren’t plentiful, due to my Spanish level.
blog Santiago, Chile: My New Favorite Café City Maybe it’s because I’m half Cuban, maybe it’s because I’ve just flown 14 hours to get here, but I am aching for a good cup of coffee. I’m excited to be in Santiago – they say it sits between the sky (the Andes) and the sea (the Pacific).
blog Culture Shock Featuring Art, Wine and Aix-En-Provence I sometimes find myself at large gatherings of sophisticated people. Most of my experience has been with older crowds of distinguished professionals, but this high heeled, button downed, long dressed, hair did event was quite different.